Vegetable oils on the move – Jatropha oil enters the streets of Europe
Biomotor GmbH, Elsbett GmbH and Viridesco finalize the evaluation of Jatropha oils by a trip from London to the Jatropha conference in Barcelona. .
Hamburg, 18. September 2007. Biomotor GmbH, Espelkamp had gained oil from pressing tests of Jatropha Curcas. Together with Elsbett AG, the pioneer of vegetable oils as fuel, the compatibility for the street will be testet. James Scruby will present the results and perspectives in Barcelona at the Jatropha Conference 20. - 21. September. James Scruby, Martin Ritter (both Viridesco) and Jörg Dürre (Biomotor) will use pure Savoa Jatropha oil energy for their way from London to Barcelona. The car is well adapted for vegetable oils by Elsbett conversion technology.
Vegetable oils like Jatropha or rapeed oil are a viable option in the mix of futures fuel supply. A little aid is needed until self dependency in economical terms of this fuel in Germany can be reached. Germanys courts have still to decide on how to treat vegetable oils in comparison to CNG (compressed natural gas) which is tax free until 2018.
„As Jatropha“ says Jörg Dürre „is a plant that allows for the recultivation of cleared landscapes that are in danger of eroding „economics and ecology can be combined at its best“ Viridesco UK and Elsbett will keep on investing into this technology and plant.
„We hope that this German technology can be made available to the rest of the world “ states Klaus Elsbett CEO of Elsbett AG. If Germany keeps being a forerunner or not will depend largely on taxation. The vision of Jörg Dürre is that development assistance for less developed contries could be provided by this Jatrophaoil. Degraded territory in african countries that is eroding can be stabilized and used for this energy crop. It will also give a source of income. This aid comes with low cost for European governments and is a chance to fulfill CO2 aims. Besides new markets for German technology leaders will be created; conversion technology and press technology are only examples.
About Biomotor
Biomotor GmbH, Espelkamp, Germany provides vegetable oils as fuel for combined heating powerplants (CHPs). Currently about one thousand of this machines run in Germany. Biomotor operates an own CHP as piloting system at the dutch german border. Together with partners different new approaches are testet there. The Director of Biomotor GmbH, Jörg Dürre, owned parts of a company for vegetable oil trading before and set up the first professional self service fuel stations for pure vegetable oils in 2005. In his daily practice the studied management professional turns special attention on sustainability and alternative, renewable fuels as for example the use of Jatropha oils. Biomotor and Savoa are registered trademarks of Biomotor GmbH.
Biomotor GmbH
Breslauer Str. 65
32339 Espelkamp
Kontakt: Jörg Dürre
+49 (0)40 600 85890
joerg.duerre@savoa.deThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
45 Chiddingstone Street
London SW6 3TQ
United Kingdom
Contact: James Scruby
+44 (0)207 125 0057
james.scruby@viridesco.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elsbett AG
Weißenburger Straße 15
D - 91177 Thalmässing
+49 (0) 9173 79 445 0
info@elsbett.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.